Barrièrestraat 10, 8200 Bruges
Primary care veterinary medicine and medical imaging
Is your pet no longer eating? Do you suspect they're in pain? Or are they displaying unusual behaviour? If so, consider having your animal thoroughly examined as soon as possible.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to veterinary practice Lieve De Rycke, my private clinic for dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and other small pets. As a veterinarian, I specialise in primary care veterinary medicine and medical imaging. Not only do I have extensive medical expertise, but because of my great love for animals, I know exactly how to deal with your sick pet. I take a cautious approach to put them completely at ease. This ensures that each examination can be conducted without stress.
Examinations and treatments
You can come to me for a wide spectrum of routine examinations and treatments:
Annual check-ups and vaccinations (including reminders to administer repeat vaccines)
Weight control and nutritional advice
Provision of special diet food in case of liver, kidneys, bladder or heart problems
Nail care and cleaning of the ears
Dental care: removal of tartar and teeth cleaning
Deworming, tick prevention, flea control
Gentle putting down of your pet, incl. counselling
Chipping and registration of puppies and kittens
Information on travelling with pets
Advice on adopting a new puppy, kitten or animal from a shelter
Standard operations and specialized investigations
On the other hand, I also perform specialised examinations and many of the most common surgeries. These include:
For a better understanding of the health of internal organs (liver, bladder, kidneys, abdominal cavity) and the uterus (follow-up of gestation or diagnosis of inflammation).
For the detection of fractures and tumors.
Microscopic cell analysis
Checked from scrapings and tape strips of the skin to detect bacteria, yeasts or parasites, as well as from ear swabs to find out the severity and cause of ear infections (mange or bacterial infection).
A few cells are aspirated with a small needle prick to determine whether a tumour is benign or malignant through laboratory tests. Sometimes, we also aspirate a cyst or fluid in the abdominal cavity or biopsy skin for skin problems.